Mosaic FAQs
Answers to the most commonly asked support questions to streaming audio and dCS Mosaic.
- Is Mosaic Control available in my language?
- Does Mosaic have a user manual?
- Do I need to update my dCS product before I can use Mosaic Control?
- What does it mean that MinimServer is the only UPnP server that dCS fully supports?
- Why is MinimServer the only UPnP server software that is fully supported by dCS?
- What UPnP server should I use for my music library?
- I rupped an MQA CD and the files don't illuminate the MQA indicator when played back via UPnP or USB. What's wrong?
- When I play an MQA file via UPnP or local USB, the MQA indicator does not illuminate. What's wrong?
- Why doesn't Mosaic Control work in landscape mode on my Android tablet?
- I use Roon for playback. Is there anything in Mosaic that will benefit me?
- Why doesn't Mosaic Control work in landscape mode on my phone?
- Why is iOS 11.x or later required?
- I'm going to purchase a new mobile device to run Mosaic Control. What do you recommend?
- What are the differences between the iOS and Android versions of Mosaic Control?
- I understand that Mosaic Control works on iOS and Android, but which platform does dCS recommend?
- Can I get a beta copy of Mosaic to test new features?
- Do I have to buy anything to get dCS Mosaic?
- When will you add feature ______?
- When will you add support for service ________?
- What are your future plans for additional streaming services?
- How do I get dCS Mosaic Control?
- Does Mosaic require new hardware from dCS?
- Why does Mosaic not display album artwork when using USB?
- Do I need special Ethernet cables for my dCS product?